Monday, May 28, 2007

Insurance check

Adjuster arrived 2 hours after the accident. The check for the accident came from the insurance company three days later. It looked like the right amount. The body shop called and set the appointment, seven days estimated to do the job. Car was rented right around the corner. Two weeks go by and the body shop calls. Arrived at body shop with check and checkbook for the deductible. Arranged to post date the deductible because short of funds.

Shop man looks at check sees two names on the pay to line mine and the lien holder. Lien holder never paid a dime for this insurance. Why is that name there on the pay to line? Shop man says no problem he can handle it. Usually lien holder will accept his arrangement that the job is done and he sends them the check to sign and releases the repaired car. Not so this time. I personally, must send the check and proof of repair bills. Shop man will not release the car under this arrangement. 12 more days driving lousy rental car. Check arrives at body shop after inquiry at lien holder and message to bookkeeper to look for it.

Finally get car which sat closed up in the sun for two weeks, park brake is stuck, I never use the park brake. Turn in rental at additional extra cost. C D player ruins favorite disc because of heat. Car looks great because of good detailing but has thick film of pollen on the outside because it sat there for two extra weeks.

This doesn't sound right to me. Two party check that only one party pays for.
This doesn't sound right to me. Lien holder won't accept usual arrangement.
This doesn't sound right to me. The shysters have protected the big anonymous corporation at the expense of the little guy who is trying to be honest, not false claiming (it was a rear ender), needing the car he picked out because he likes that kind best, using the service of the insurance he has paid for lo these many years, paying the lien holder on time most of the time (paid up to date).

This doesn't sound right to me. You don't find out how little your money means even when it is very little to the giant lien holder and insurance company.


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